
What Makes You Happy?

Ooooh, I haven't posted in a while.  Sorry faithful followers.  All 3 of you.

So I'm reading a book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  And I dig it.  And in it she decides that she needs to be happier.  She isn't unhappy.  But she could be happier.  And she outlines a plan that deals with different areas of her life (energy, kids, marriage, work, etc, etc, etc) with several resolutions/action points/whatever it is she calls them.  Each month has a specific focus and 4 different ongoing tasks. 

My post is not about that book.  Not really.  But I kind of started to think about what makes me happy.  And I think you/we all know how i like picture-heavy posts.  (it's less to read...although i do really like to read, so i don't know what that's all about) ANYway, this is a post of some of the things that make me happy...with the caveat that Husband has the MacBookPro (the MBP) and 99.2%....well closer to 99.98% of my pictures.  So here are some of the things that make me happy...that I have pictures of right this moment.  If you are not represented below, this does not mean you are not a source of my joy, it just means I don't have a picture available.*. 

*This is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

See the tree.  It makes me happy.  It makes me think.  Why?  Cause the top looks like one tree.  But it's three trees.  See the three trunks. I call it the Jesus tree. You know, the Trinity. Weird?  whatever.  

 My friend Janet makes me happy.  She lives far far away.  We don't see or talk to each other often.  But this is from the last time we saw each other.  We had big plans to make dinner.  We were going to make something really delicious and fancy.  So we took a bunch of cookbooks and a quilt out to that grassy spot in the picture above, so we could decide what to make. But we fell asleep instead.  And then we went out for Mexican.
Maybe next time.

 My chickens.  This is Fedders as a teenager.  Lovely,isn't he?  My chickens make me extraordinarily happy.  They are just so charming and funny.  They go on chicken adventure, take dirt baths, and lay delicious eggs.  Must be a wonderful life, the life of a chicken.

My dogs Bailey Sue and Ruger Jay.  Yes, they have middle names.  Who doens't giggle when a dog cocks its head sideways?  That's funny.  I don't care who you are.

 This is Ruger.  He loves to dig.  I think its absolutely hilarious to walk outside and find him like this.  He is buried up to his shoulders .  Funny.  The system of tunnels he has dug around the yard...not so funny. 

But then he looks like this.  Also funny.

Beautiful sunsets make me very cheery, indeed.  I like to think of them as a little shout out from The Big Man himself.

These rolls.  I wanna put that in my mouth.  De-li-cious.  That can make you forget your problems for a minute.  MMMM, bread. (Oh, and I made them.  The first bread product I've ever made...it was so good I vowed to become a breadatarian.)

pictures of my friends with my camera in stealth mode.  That makes me happy...cause you always get better pictures.  Sssshhhh, don't tell them i take pictures in stealth mode.

My goddaughter, Isabella.  Very charming.  This was taken last summer.  I think she has her drivers license now. 

My toes in the sand at the beach.  Not the sand part.  Or the water part.  The being there. 

Even better, being there with Husband.  Being anywhere with Husband.

and this.

What makes you happy??

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I love getting a little piece of you and I love happiness. I also love Janet and the trinity tree. It's disappointing to me that I've never made the visit to actually see the trinity tree or your beautiful house.
    I've attempted to become a follower/fan/subscriber/stalker so that I'll know when you have a new post and you won't have to tell me everytime! Miss you millions! Much happiness your way! --Corey
