This is my first post. Obviously.
I guess I started this blog because of peer pressure. I caved. I
don't usually do that. But I did this time. Mostly to have another way to keep in touch with my dear friend and WW, Jennifer. (who is probably the only person reading this)
Now that that bit of housekeeping is out of the way...
Today Husband and I went on a nature hike/mushroom-hunting extravaganza. It was not so much an extravaganza as a walk through our woods.
We were looking for morel mushrooms. Morels are this small wild mushroom that only grow when conditions are exactly right. And since we got rain last night and it was 80 degrees today we decided to go mushroom hunting. By the way, mushroom hunting is the only hunting I can do because you can talk while you do it.
We were not successful on our mushroom hunting trip. But this was the first time I had walked this particular part of our property. And it's so beautiful. It is also a bit odd too. Lots of skinny little trees, vine-y sort of limbs, and a creek!
We took the dogs on the wilderness hike. That is always sort of a
gamble (I think) because Ruger doesn't like to listen.
But he does love to run in the woods and walk with his Papa. Look at that smile! (on Ruger, and no its not panting, he doesn't really pant)
Ruger is trying to figure out how to cross the creek without getting wet or dirty. Bailey does not care about such things, not when there is water to run through and creeks to lay in.
I didn't see any mushrooms because I mostly took pictures of my dogs and my husband, and trees. (It really is beautiful in the woods.)

And then we decided there probably weren't any mushrooms to be found today and we went home.
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