Funny story... I was part of an online photography class and we had a facebook group. And a small group of us joined together to do this monthly series of letters to our child(ren). We publish our letter on the last Friday of the month, which is today.
Obviously. (well, obvious to most people)
I apparently have not paid attention to a calendar lately because I did not realize it was the end of February...because, you know the dates are still in the twenties.
That's a terrible reason for not being aware.
I am also making a concerted effort to stay off of facebook...which is fantastic, and freeing, and makes you realize all the mindless drivel that is really the stuff of facebook, but it really bad if you are part of groups who communicate via facebook.
Anyway, if this were last month, this letter to my sweet babe would be connected to some other lovely letters written by beautiful mamas. However, as it stands, it is just floating along, all alone. Just a letter, to my little love. Oh well, there is always March.
My love,
As I write this you are sleeping, exhausted from playing today, your sweet little baby bum in the air. I love that little bum. I hope nap time lasts long enough for me to write this letter and then snooze a bit with you too. Mama loves naps. While we are on the subject, you never nap long enough...could you please nap longer? Thanks.
This month you have made me laugh out loud constantly. And also gasp out loud because I'm constantly afraid you are going to hurt yourself with whatever crazy stunt you are have no either need to find some or I'm getting you a helmet to wear full time.
You are so affectionate with me, Daddy, Bailey and Ruger. Although Bailey and Ruger don't fully appreciate your affection at all times. It's ok, they'll get there. You also like to help us clean...if you start doing it all yourself I'll pay you. Don't tell your Dad.
My favorite thing you do right now may be playing peekaboo. Half the time you play you just put your head down and look away for a second. I guess if you can't see us we can't see you, right? And every time you put your head up you look surprised and amazed that we are right there. It is so funny.
I somehow saved this as a draft and saw it a month later. I guess that means naptime didn't last. Seriously dude, nap. One day when you are a teenager you are going to be pissed off when I won't let you sleep. And then you'll have babies who never let you sleep either.
I love you despite your sleepless ways.
Your tired mama.
the beautifully mundane
12 years ago
i love your words. i love your little family. kids are crying, must go.