We are co-sleepers, bed-sharers, all-night snugglers in our house. (we also get kicked in the throat occasionally, but this we shall not discuss)
This has been one of my greatest sources of joy as a mama. I absolutely love having my sweet boy so near to me all night long. I love to rest my hand against him while he sleeps... I wonder who gets more comfort from this?
(I would by lying if I didn't say I love the convenience of it as well since Huck still nurses at night.)(many of my parenting choices are based on my laziness and I am too lazy to get out of my warm bed at night.)
I love waking up in the mornings. Some mornings he is sitting up smiling. Some mornings he leans over with kisses for me and Bob (he doesn't call him dad or dada or any variation thereof- just Bob). *swoon* And some mornings he lies there for a few minutes talking to himself. (some mornings he wakes up and is a whiny jerk- but it's nothing some snuggles and milk can't fix)
But my absolute favorite is when everyone is in bed and falling asleep and Huck squirms and wiggles and maneuvers until he is resting safely in his daddy's arms. That is my favorite. My favorite time of night. My favorite reason for co- sleeping. The thing that makes my heart so full.
the beautifully mundane
12 years ago
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