
To my sweet boy,

I am participating in a group called Letters to Our Sons and Daughters.  Every month we are writing a letter to our sweet babes and then linking up to the next blog.  (Crap- I just realized this means people might actually read what I've written.)

I suppose I should have started this documenting thing for my sweet boy a long time ago.  Oh well, better late than never I suppose.

Dear Baby Huck,

You are going to be 14 months old in a few days!  How did that happen?  I swear we just brought your squishy baby self home from a hospital a week or so ago...and now you walk around asking "Whas 'dis?" about everything.

Watching you grow and change and learn is the greatest joy of my life.  You make me laugh (out loud, for sustained periods of time) daily with the funny things you do.  Like stirring the dogs' water with your toothbrush, or dumping all the onions out the bag and then taking a bite out of each one, or teasing  your Dad with cherry tomatoes before putting them in your own mouth.  You are one funny little dude.

You are also growing to be such an affectionate little boy.  You love to put your head on Bailey and just lay on the floor snuggling with her (if she will stay still long enough for that to happen).  You love to gives kisses...to me, to Daddy, to yourself in the mirror. to pictures of babies in books, to pictures of babies on boxes of diapers...you just love to give kisses.  (And proper kisses, not open mouth slobbery kisses.)  And it just about kills me when you see me sitting on the floor and run towards me with your arms open, laughing, and give me a hug as big as your tiny arms will allow.

Being your mama is the single most fullfilling, most difficult, most enjoyable job I have ever had or ever will have.  I am excited everyday to see what we will discover together and to find the little things in life that make you so excited.  (FYI, you are particularly fond of the museum at the zoo, music, baby signing time, and taking showers.)

I can't wait to see what this next month holds and what new things we will discover. Every day with you is such a gift. (even the days when you are a whiny jerk) I love you more than I could ever explain. Thank you for being my son, my love.

I love you

These are some of my favorite pictures from the month. (sorry most of them are instagram pictures-I'll get some real pictures)

Helping Daddy with the TV

Kissing the library dog


Onto the next blog: Jenn.


The Sweetest Time of Day

We are co-sleepers, bed-sharers, all-night snugglers in our house. (we also get kicked in the throat occasionally, but this we shall not discuss)

This has been one of my greatest sources of joy as a mama. I absolutely love having my sweet boy so near to me all night long. I love to rest my hand against him while he sleeps... I wonder who gets more comfort from this?

(I would by lying if I didn't say I love the convenience of it as well since Huck still nurses at night.)(many of my parenting choices are based on my laziness and I am too lazy to get out of my warm bed at night.)

I love waking up in the mornings. Some mornings he is sitting up smiling. Some mornings he leans over with kisses for me and Bob (he doesn't call him dad or dada or any variation thereof- just Bob). *swoon* And some mornings he lies there for a few minutes talking to himself. (some mornings he wakes up and is a whiny jerk- but it's nothing some snuggles and milk can't fix)

But my absolute favorite is when everyone is in bed and falling asleep and Huck squirms and wiggles and maneuvers until he is resting safely in his daddy's arms. That is my favorite. My favorite time of night. My favorite reason for co- sleeping. The thing that makes my heart so full.